what we do
Blue Net Chartering offers its liner customers access to a large variety of different container ships in all sizes from 700 upto 14,500 TEU and its owners clients tailor-made chartering and pool management services.
Due to the scale and scope of BNC’s operations, liner customers can be provided with flexible tonnage solutions and a leading quality level.
Based on the long-standing relationships with the liner customer side, a global shipping network and market leading research services, BNC provides its shipowner’ customers with a wide range of employment opportunities for their tonnage available in the world today.
our service offerings for
- Brokerage services for single ships or fleets of vessels
- Commercial management services including operations/post-fixture services
- Pool management services
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our service offerings for
liner operators:
- Access to a large number of containerships available for the spot and long term charter market from various different shipowners and shipmanagers
- Ability to structure deals across various ship sizes / pools / short and long term / tonnage exchanges
- 24/7 market coverage through offices in Hamburg and Singapore